LPCC Somatic Health Counseling

Common Questions

Below are common questions prospective clients may have. Please visit the page What to Expect for more information. If you have other questions, don't hesitate to Contact Katya to discuss further.

Who and for what is this work best suited for?
Katya specializes in working with individuals who are experiencing anxiety and/or self-criticism, who are looking to find a deeper connection with their bodies and to learn skillful self-regulation and self-compassion. Additionally, anyone who is interested in learning about meditation may benefit from partnering with Katya.
Are there any contraindications to this work?
Yes, based on experience, this approach is not suited for someone whose body does not feel like a safe place. This often happens after intense traumatic experiences, whether an event or complex trauma, including developmental trauma. In such cases this is not the best place to start, as this particular approach might be too triggering for clients and will not likely lead to desired results. A specialized trauma expert would be a better match for someone dealing with intense trauma. Additionally, this work is not suited for people with a history of severe mental health conditions, personality disorders or for someone who is in crisis, for the same reasons and because those are not Katya's areas of expertise. When seeking support for the above conditions, it is most advisable to find a professional who specializes in those areas.
What sort of movement is involved?
Somatic therapy incorporates body-oriented modalities such as dance, yoga, breathwork, meditation, body scans and grounding exercises to help clients release stress, trauma, tension, and negative emotions from the body.
Do I need to know how to meditate?
No prior knowledge or experience of meditation is necessary. Katya is a certified meditation instructor and is happy to walk clients through the process of meditation in the most comprehensible and easily accessible way. She often uses guided meditations during sessions, with an intention to encourage internal kindness and compassion.
When can I expect seeing results?
Clients may experience a different way of "being with" and processing emotions right away. However, implementing new ways of being, and creating new habits takes time and dedication. The speed of results will also depend on each client's consistency adhering to a quality personal practice outside of therapy. The general recommendation is to commit to 6 sessions in order to learn the basics. After that client will be able to evaluate whether to sign up for more sessions or to switch to maintenance and check-ins only.
What can I do to start exploring Somatic Psychotherapy on my own?
Please visit the Resources page to learn more. Katya's article Blossoming of the Heart is a great place to start, which describes the concept and practice of Loving Self-Awareness. You can also sign up for her foundational online course, Navigating Anxiety: How to be With Emotions Using Somatic Skills.

Here's a list of some helpful books to begin exploring on your own:
Self-Compassion by Dr. Kristin Neff
Good Morning, I Love You by Dr. Shauna Shapiro
Restorative Embodiment and Resilience by Dr. Alan Fogel