LPCC Somatic Health Counseling

Radical Self-Compassion

And Loving


Imagine, how would your life look and who would you be if you felt continuously supported at all times, if you were grounded in a sense of safety, warmth, kindness, and love? Katya is motivated to help clients find a deeper connection with themselves, develop healthy self-regulation, and learn to navigate emotions skillfully.

Why Somatic


Benefits of this holistic approach support clients throughout the therapeutic process and beyond. The practice encourages connection between body and mind using guided processes and honors the body as a source of information that opens the door into subconscious. Somatic Psychotherapy helps access stories that the body might hold and provides a way to untangle what may be preventing growth. Additionally, scientific research in the field shows that connecting with the body is naturally self-regulating which helps greatly when navigating anxiety. It also cultivates a sense of groundedness and stability within. Your journey will be completely online and will weave together modalities of the practice that build a healthy, kind, and loving relationship with the self, and encourage you to thrive in all aspects of life.

Is this Practice

Right for Me?

Katya specializes in working with individuals who are experiencing anxiety, self-criticism and who are looking to find a deeper connection with their bodies and to learn skillful self-regulation and self-compassion. This process is built on consistent practice outside of therapy for best integration. Based on experience, this approach is not suited for someone whose body feels numb or unsafe, which might happen due to intense traumatic history. In such cases this is not the best place to start as the approach might be too triggering for clients and will not likely lead to desired results. This practice is also not suited for someone with severe mental health conditions, personality disorders or for someone who is in crisis.

What to Expect

In the online sessions with Katya, you will explore reconnecting to your body through guided meditations and exercises. These guided practices are designed so you are able to gain information from both, mind and body, conscious and subconscious, and make well-informed decisions. Additionally, you will work on building skills for navigating anxiety or emotions from a grounded foundation of the body. You will also set up your own personal practice that will serve as a resource beyond therapy.